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Regional Superintendent Study Groups Best Practices 2019

Name of the Superintendents’ Study Groups and areas within Virginia:

  • Region I:
    Richmond and Metropolitan Area
  • Region II:
    Tidewater Area
  • Region III:
    Middle Peninsula
  • Region IV:
    Northern Virginia
  • Region V:
    Shenandoah Valley
  • Region VI:
    Roanoke Valley Area
  • Region VII:
    Southwest Virginia
  • Region VIII:
    Southside Virginia

VDOE Regions

VDOE Regions

Regional Organization

Officers within the regional structure:

  • Region I:
    Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer
  • Region II:
    Chair, Vice Chair
  • Region III:
    Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer
  • Region IV:
    Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer
  • Region V:
    Chair, Vice Chair
  • Region VI:
    Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer
  • Region VII:
    Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
  • Region VIII:
    Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer

All officers in each Superintendents’ region serve two-year terms. The method of selection is as follows:

  • Region I:
    Nomination and vote
  • Region II:
    Nomination and appointment by consensu
  • Region III:
    Nomination and vote, appointment, volunteer
  • Region IV:
    Nomination and vote
  • Region V:
    Nomination and appointment
  • Region VI:
    Nomination and vote
  • Region VII:
    Nomination and vote, volunteer
  • Region VIII:
    Nomination and vote

Most of the regions ask the Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer (and other officers) to automatically move up in the officers’ positions, eventually serving as Chair. Regions III and VIII do not.

  • Region I:
  • Region II:
  • Region III:
  • Region IV:
  • Region V:
  • Region VI:
  • Region VII:
  • Region VIII:

Which monthly meeting is used to elect or appoint the officers for the upcoming school year?

  • Region I:
  • Region II:
  • Region III:
  • Region IV:
  • Region V:
  • Region VI:
  • Region VII:
  • Region VIII:
None of the regions use specific criteria for the selection of officers. One’s willingness to serve is critical for consideration generally.

Which monthly meeting is used to elect or appoint the officers for the upcoming school year?

  • Region I:
    One is interest and involvement with the study group. We also look at diversity and representing different parts of Region I
  • Region II:
    The most important factor, frankly, is the executive assistant to the regional chair (from an efficiency standpoint). Regarding effectiveness, the most important factor is member engagement.
  • Region III:
    Collaboration, relevant topics, and planning
  • Region IV:
    Connection with VASS and VDOE on issues related to legislation and budget Professional development across areas of service
  • Region V:
    Collaboration and engagement of members
  • Region VI:
    Agenda input from members
  • Region VII:
    It is important that their is an open line of communication between the Chair and the other Supt. so items can be added and discussed on a monthly basis.
  • Region VIII:
    Ensuring that all members and partners are present or representatives are present.

Meeting Structure

What are the major categories usually designated on the regional meeting agenda?

  • Region I:

    Welcome/Introductions/Approval of Minutes Presentation by education associations and organizations (i.e., VASS, VHSL, VSBA, VDOE, etc.)

    Update from superintendents representing the region on select committees

  • Region II:

    Welcome/Introductions/Approval of Minutes

    Presentation by education associations and organizations (i.e., VASS, VHSL, VSBA, VDOE, etc.)

    Update from superintendents representing the region on select committees

    Old Business
    New Business

  • Region III:

    Welcome/Introductions/Approval of Minutes

    Presentation by business partner Presentation by education associations and organizations (i.e., VASS, VHSL, VSBA, VDOE, etc.)

    Update from superintendents representing the region on select committees

  • Region IV:

    Welcome/Introductions/Approval of Minutes Presentation by education associations and organizations (i.e., VASS, VHSL, VSBA, VDOE, etc.)

    Presentation by regional member to highlight program or service in the school district.

    Update from superintendents representing the region on select committees

    Old Business
    New Business

  • Region V:

    Welcome/Introductions/Approval of Minutes

    Presentation by education associations and organizations (i.e., VASS, VHSL, VSBA, VDOE, etc.)

    Update from superintendents representing the region on select committees

    Other matters

  • Region VI:

    Welcome/Introductions/Approval of Minutes

    Presentation by education associations and organizations (i.e., VASS, VHSL, VSBA, VDOE, etc.)

    Update from superintendents representing the region on select committees

    Old Business
    New Business

  • Region VII:

    Welcome/Introductions/Approval of Minutes

    Presentation by business partner Presentation by education associations and organizations (i.e., VASS, VHSL, VSBA, VDOE, etc.)

    Presentation by regional member to highlight program or service in the school district.

    Update from superintendents representing the region on select committees

    Old Business
    New Business

  • Region VIII:

    Welcome/Introductions/Approval of Minutes

    Presentation by education associations and organizations (i.e., VASS, VHSL, VSBA, VDOE, etc.)

    Update from superintendents representing the region on select committees

Regions II and IV meet 6 times each year. Regions I, V, and VI meet 7 times each year. Regions III and VIII meet 8 times each year. Region VII meets 9 times each year.

All of the regional chairs facilitate the establishment of the regional meeting agenda through soliciting input from the members. Members generally may ask for items to be placed on the agenda, either prior to the meeting or at the beginning of the meeting.

Regions III, VI, VII, and VIII allow business partners to make short presentations (usually 5-15 minutes) about their products/services as part of the regular meeting agenda. Regions I, II, IV, and V do not allow business partners to make presentations. Regions that do allow business partner presentations allow VASS partners and non-VASS partners to participate, relying generally on the interest of the members for a partner’s products/services.

Regions I, IV, and VIII allow a portion of the regular regional meeting to be designated for division superintendents only. Region IV provides time at the end of the regular meeting if needed while Region VIII designates the first hour of the meeting to be designated division superintendents only.

Regions I, II, III, IV, and VIII schedule an end-of-year event. Regions I and III schedule a dinner meeting. Regions II and IV schedule a luncheon meeting. Region VIII determines each year whether it will be a luncheon, dinner or meeting at a member’s house to culminate the school year.

What changes have been made to improve the efficiency and operation of the meeting structure?

  • Region I:

    We have heard a firm practice of not allowing business partners to attend meetings.

    We allow them to offer lunch after the meeting but attendance is very sparse.

  • Region II:
  • Region III:
    Input into planning, format and discussion
  • Region IV:

    Time of year

    Flow of information

    Agenda of VASS and VDOE

  • Region V:

    Draft of the agenda is provided in advance for feedback and/or additions.

    Vendors are provided time before or after meeting only.

  • Region VI:
    Agenda input from members
  • Region VII:
    Providing a draft to the group in advance so they can provide feedback on anything that needs to be added or amended.
  • Region VIII:

    Members are in attendance

    Location is central

    Providing food

    Supt. only meeting an hour prior has made things run much smoother.

Committee Representation

All regional superintendents’ study groups select a member of the region to serve as the region’s representative on the VASS Legislative Committee. All regional chairs seek a willing volunteer to serve. Region VIII has a formal election to select its representative.

All regional superintendents’ study groups select a member of the region to serve as the region’s representative on the VASS Professional Development Committee. All regional chairs seek a willing volunteer to serve. Region VIII has a formal election to select its representative.
All regional superintendents’ study groups select a member of the region to serve as the region’s representative on the VHSL Executive Committee. All regional chairs seek a willing volunteer to serve. Region VIII has a formal election to select its representative.

All regional superintendents’ study groups select a member of the region to serve as the region’s representative on the Judicial Committee. All regional chairs seek a willing volunteer to serve. Region VIII has a formal election to select its representative.

Regions II, III, IV, and VI name a scholarship committee each year. Those regional chairs seek willing volunteers to serve on the scholarship committee.

Region II, IV, and VI name a nominating committee each year to recommend a slate of officers for the upcoming school year. Region II asks former regional superintendents of the year and the vice chair to serve as the nominating committee. Region IV’s nominating committee is selected by the regional chair. Region VI seeks willing volunteers to serve on the nominating committee.

What additional committees are formed annually within the region?

  • Region I:
    Not applicable
  • Region II:
    Not applicable
  • Region III:
  • Region IV:
    As needed
  • Region V:
    Not applicable
  • Region VI:
    Agenda input from members
  • Region VII:
    We do a Region Superintendent of the Year that is made up of 3 superintendents from the Region.
  • Region VIII:
    Region 8 Superintendent's Conference Committee

Which monthly meeting is used to solidify the committee representatives for the following school year?

  • Region I:
  • Region II:
  • Region III:
  • Region IV:
  • Region V:
  • Region VI:
  • Region VII:
  • Region VIII:
Regions I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII have a formal group of instructional leaders who meet regularly throughout the school year. In Regions VII and VIII, the chair of the instructional leaders group reports to the regional superintendents. In Region VII, the report is during each regular regional meeting. In Region VIII, the instructional chair will report to the superintendents 1-2 times during the school year.

What changes have been made to improve the efficiency and operation of the committee representation?

  • Region I:
    Participation of Region I representatives
  • Region II:
  • Region III:
    Engagement of representative and feedback, updates to the group
  • Region IV:
    Connection with VASS and VDOE
  • Region V:
    Participation of committee representatives during meetings
  • Region VI:
    Agenda input from members
  • Region VII:
    It is important to have individuals in positions that they have interest in serving for the group
  • Region VIII:
    Ensure representative attend expected meetings


Please list the process the region uses to select the Regional Superintendent of the Year.

  • Region I:

    Nominations from individual superintendents.

    Officers select from nominations.

  • Region II:
    Nominating committee makes recommendation.
  • Region III:
    Current region SOY initiates and works with region in selection process based on nominations.
  • Region IV:

    Colleagues nominate individuals

    If two or more nominations, the packets are reviewed by George Mason University panel to make recommendation

  • Region V:
    Nominations from individual superintendents. The committee of past superintendents of the year select from the nominations.
  • Region VI:
    Agenda input from members
  • Region VII:
    Nominations are sent to our Regional SOY committee (3 Supts) and the committee provides the group a nomination at the February Regional meeting.
  • Region VIII:
    Nominations and Vote
Regions IV, V, VII, and VIII provide an additional recognition of their regional superintendent of the year to the recognition that VASS provides. Region IV honors their SOY during the end of year luncheon. Region V and VIII produce a press release to honor their SOY. In Region VII, one of the SOY committee members sends the school board members of the SOY notification that their superintendent was chosen as the SOY for Region VII.

Please list strategies used in the region to acclimate new superintendents.

  • Region I:
    Regional Chair reaches out to serve as resource.
  • Region II:
    Primarily access VASS mentoring services; informal networks
  • Region III:
    Informal mentoring and networking at meetings
  • Region IV:
    VASS mentors
  • Region V:

    Welcomed at first meeting.

    No additional formalized strategies.

  • Region VI:
    This has not been a topic of discussion.
  • Region VII:

    Current Supt. share with new supt. that they would be willing to assist in anything that they need help with or questions about.

    The Supt. close in proximity may also reach out to the new supt. to see if there are things/questions they may need assistance with.

  • Region VIII:

    Meet and Greet Event

    Encourage to participate in VASS New Supt. Orientation and Coaching

Please list the advantages of having Regional Superintendents’ Study Groups.

  • Region I:

    Allows us to establish consistent practices across the region where appropriate.

    Encourages dialogue and sharing of ideas.

    Dissemination of information.

  • Region II:

    Promotes collegiality in the region, promotes informal networks for problem-solving, keeps regional superintendent aware of state wide and other local issues through the various representations on committees.

    Also ensures regular contact with VASS and VDOE partners.

  • Region III:

    Collaboration and planning with colleagues

    Pertinent information gathering and sharing

  • Region IV:

    Connection to VASS and VDOE

    Flow of information

    Awareness of hot topics

    Professional development

  • Region V:

    Allows for networking and collaboration across the region to include current issues and challenges.

    Provides a structure for dissemination of information from VASS and VDOE.

  • Region VI:
    Our input collectively to VHSL, VSBA, VDOE and VASS
  • Region VII:

    It is nice having a group of colleagues that you are able to meet with on a monthly basis to share ideas that could be beneficial to other divisions.

    But, it is also nice to have a group that you can share concerns/issues with to see if they have dealt with the same thing and provide info on how they dealt with it.

  • Region VIII:

    Keeping abreast of current issues from partners

    Networking Collaborating with divisions in the region